
RISD 2022, 8.0 x 18.0 Inch
Instructor: Pouya Ahmadi

Langue aims to express the intricacies involved in interpreting
text, as well as the concept of individuals manipulating and breaking
down the languages they utilize.

I chose Roland Barthes’ writing on Langue from The Pleasure of
the Text specifically as it talks about the pleasure of playing with
the mother tongue. The graphical piece takes a folding form, and
the reader could experience both linear and intersected reading
processes by unfolding it. To reproduce the reading process, The
Langue booklet is in three languages,French (the original texts),
English translation, and Chinese translation, and it is composed
of multiple steps of understanding stages from the translated text,
expanding on the text, personal thinking, localization, to final
impression. Along with the paperwork, the animation is focusing
on exploring the reverse process of finishing reading the text and
the personal impression and understanding tend to evolve on
their own.  

(Less Text!)